Please read the Quick Start guide first to understand the basics of MRS before attempting this.
After you've made a simple GET request, you can use a List request to send multiple transactions at once in a single request. This is typically used for the List view of transactions in Bank apps.
Start by constructing a JSON object containing transactions you wish to enrich. Send that JSON object in a POST request to the /api/v3/merchant/list endpoint, and MRS will return JSON containing the merchants found for those transactions.
Request Size
List requests are recommended to contain 25 or less elements. Requests with higher amounts can be supported. Very long lists might have an impact on response times. Please contact us with any questions on this.
Transaction Ids
Each transaction must have a unique id property, which is used to identify the transaction in the response.
The id only has to be unique for this request, and can be any string. You could use the numeric index of the transaction in the transaction array, generate a unique UUID then and there for each transaction, etc.
This id is required when submitting Crowdsourcing reports, as it is used to identify the transaction within the request. The other parameters for each transaction are the same as the individual /v3/merchant GET request (see Quick Start).
Typically it's recommended to use restrictive calls for List requests. See Restrictive vs Extended